Church Family,
After much prayer and deliberation, our elders have decided to cancel our services for this Sunday, March 15, and Wednesday, March 18, along with all other church activities during the upcoming week. We have come to this decision reluctantly, as we take seriously the Scriptural call of “not neglecting to meet together” (Heb. 10:25). However, we also realize that there are times when we as elders must lead our people to suspend our gatherings in order to promote both your safety and the safety of those in our community. Churches have made such decisions in the face of natural disasters, inclement weather, and other forms of physical danger. We have determined that the current COVID-19 pandemic is such an occasion in which the wisest course of action is to promote the safety of our people and the public, to heed the advice of our governing authorities, and to follow the example of other faithful church leaders in our city and nation who have come to similar conclusions. In all of this, we must remember that “we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls” (Heb. 10:39) and that “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Tim 1:7). Thus, we make this decision not with fear of what may come but with trust in our Lord who is sovereign over all things.
This decision is for the services of the coming week only, and we will continue to evaluate the situation on a weekly basis in order to determine whether or not we will gather for future dates. In the meantime, this landing page, along with our Reach Alert system will serve as our primary means of communicating with our congregation during this time.
We urge you to worship the Lord in your home this coming Lord’s Day as our gathering is cancelled, and below you will find a link to a home worship guide that corresponds with our current sermon series in the Gospel of Mark.
We also urge you to continue to give your offerings to the church. You can do this through the online giving link at the top of the page or through mailing a check into the church office.
May the Lord bless us as we seek his wisdom and guidance in these strange times, and may he make it possible for us to come back together quickly.
In Christ,
Your Pastors,
Colin, Dave, Drew, Nathan, Steve B., Steve C., and Will